Every follower of Jesus is called to lose their life, not only for Jesus, but for the cause of his message - the gospel (Mark 8:35). The Church must take up this call to preach the gospel and make disciples as its greatest purpose before the nations can be reached and the Kingdom of God triumph throughout the earth - a victory we should expect before the return of Christ (Matthew 24:14). As we do our part to intentionally make disciples and advance God's Kingdom, Jesus will do His part to build each local church as a bi-product of His mission. It's time to stop trying to build the church through volunteers at events and start advancing God's Kingdom by making disciples.
In Luke 17:11-19, only one of the ten lepers came back to give praise to God and thanks to Jesus for his miracle healing.
Consecration (21 Days of Prayer and Fasting) Week 2 Originally recorded online over Zoom during COVID restrictions in Perth, Australia on February 7th, 2021.
This is the second message in the Sharing Jesus Confidently series.