This is our final message in the four-part Revival Month series called Heal Our Land. In this series, we explore God's call upon the Church to partner with Him in seeing revival come to our nation. As the Church values humility, hunger, and holiness, then, God says, "I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
This week we focus on God's call upon the church to holiness, as we seek to cleanse ourselves of all defiling influences in preparation for what God wants to do next. Judgment must begin in the house of God.
Faith is the assurance of THINGS hoped for. Hebrews 11:1-3
This message was preached by Ps Jason Staggers at NEUMA Church Perth on 3 October 2021.
This is the fourth message in a five-part series in Revival Month 2022. This message by Ps. Phil Watson was recorded on the 21st...